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Installation of Wordpress

Now we will begin will enter to will configure our wordpress to localhost. we begin with ekstracting file. zip our wordpress at folder htdocs there at in folder xampp we install at beginning a while ago (open use windows explorer). htdocs folder functioned like public_html when we use web hosting server. and windows explorer we are considered like ftp there at web hosting our server.

after we ekstracting source our wordpress to folder htdocs, so that at in folder htdocs there new folder by the name of wordpress, open folder wordpress and open file wp-config-sample. php use notepad (or use text another editor). we only necessary modify 3 lines at this file, that is; db_name, db_user and db_password in this example is my successive is ready with wordpress (to db_name), root (to db_user) and test (to db_password). after finished, so save file modified by the name of wp-config. php.
after that, open browser we and write address next this at address bar-: http: localhost/wordpress/wp-admin. php/install. php and continuing installation of wordpress this is appropriate instruction of the existing installation. after installation finished, so our wordpress are ready to have been used. and address to access that is at address: http: localhost/wordpress/

and installation process wordpress offline finished, please try this...
if you have problem keep googling.



Make Database for Wordpress

After we are configure setting security our MySQL , so we now can begin to make database MySQL later used to wordpress pass interfaces phpmyadmin. open to pass sidebar xampp and make database new, for example under i am menamai new database by the name of wordpress.


The Configuration Detail of MySQL

after xampp (with apache server and mysql) installed, that mean pc we functioned also as server offline (local host). that mean we can
accessing local host pass browser web whom we have (for examples, firefox, opera and another). try address access: http: localhost/
pass address path in your browser, when installation we do true, so browser we will open yard
interfaces xampp in browser we are (the function of this page like cpanel in our webhosting).


Installation Wordpress Offline

For our beginning process want application xampp that can -download from here:
http: /www. apachefriends. org/download. php? xampp-win32-1.6.1-installer. exe
or you can download- from web source other. in this case i
choose to download xampp version 1.6.1 that complet in one package
along with installer win-32. and also don't forget to download wordpress version
newest from: http: /www. wordpress. org/download/.

installation xampp
after xampp and wordpress we are download we are begin enter process installation
(note: by accident i do this installation by using pc based on
informer use windows xp). open and install xampp package installation, and
will determine in drive which we want to install it


The Benefit of Offline Wordpress

One of the benefit of wordpress for me is wordpress can be made offline or without having to linked with internet.
how to be able bloging offline?
1. you must has computer
2. install server emulator at pc. server that support wordpress that support php 4. +, myself wear xampp version xammp-win32-1.4.6. it's free
3. install server emulator formerly at pc after has installer of course. run isntaller choose desirable language.